It happened to all of us. Whether we admit it or not, we’ve all experienced hurt feelings at work. In many cases, the perpetrator is our immediate superior. Sometimes it’s our co-workers, however it’s still a humbling experience. Emotions are a touchy subject, mainly because all of us like to act as if we do not have them or haven’t any influence on us. The truth is, research shows, most individuals have a lot emotional baggage that they’ll have a breakdown at any time.

As a life coach, I like to connect with clients on an emotional level since it allows me – AND them – to see how deep their emotions run. What’s more, it shows that emotions rule the show, whether we understand it or not. To achieve success in business and life, you will need to have a way of emotional health and intelligence. Below are some easy recommendations on how to process and manage emotions at work.


The first step in processing emotions is experiencing the emotional trigger. Believe it or not, acknowledgment is certainly one of the most difficult steps in processing emotions. This is principally because people rarely like to admit that somebody has hurt their feelings. What’s more, we do not like being so vulnerable. A practical example is to take a moment and tell yourself and even out loud (quietly) that your emotions have triggered.


Then discover what exactly triggered these emotions. It needs time. You will need to take a moment to pinpoint the exact moment while you felt a certain way. Don’t think an excessive amount of about this step. You need to make certain what caused this modification. Find a moment and write it down.


Name the emotion you’re feeling. Being emotionally intelligent and having the right emotional vocabulary is amazingly essential. We need to have the option to call something by name since it allows us to distinguish emotions, making a sense of strength. Being able to say that you’re feeling marginalized is way more powerful than saying that you’re feeling hurt (too general). The more specifically you name an emotion, the higher it’ll be processed.


Review the previous steps and make certain you’re sure what happened. This is crucial because after reviewing or examining, there may be a moment of clarity that confirms how you’re feeling or gives you a special perspective. This stage is crucial because too often individuals get uncontrolled, leading to tragic consequences. Take time to review and reflect.


At this stage you select what you’ll do about what happened and the way you’re feeling. Moreover, in the motion stage we determine (at all times) to react to the situation. So if this implies you’ve to confront someone, you’ve taken the time to process the situation and calm down. You have also assessed the situation and are clear on what to do next.

Remember that we’ve the ability to change not only our world, but in addition the world as an entire. Be great!

Until next time, Pervis

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The post How to manage emotions in the workplace first appeared on 360WISE MEDIA.

The post How to manage emotions in the workplace appeared first on 360WISE MEDIA.